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Новости кафедры

07.02.2019 Поздравляем Дейнеко Дину Валерьевну с получением премии!

Премию Ю.Т. Стручкова получила доцент кафедры химической технологии и новых материалов Дейнеко Дина Валерьевна за работу "Определение структурной обусловленности свойств в соединениях с тетраэдрическими анионами (PO4)3–, (VO4)3–"

10.01.2019 Возобновлена работа над сайтом
Работа над сайтом возобновлена, в скорости тут появятся новые материалы и будет интегрирован дизайн.

Новости 81 - 82 из 82
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  • Deyneko Dina V., Fadeeva Inna V., Borovikova Elena Yu, Dzhevakov Pavel B., Slukin Pavel V., Zheng Yufeng, Xia Dandan, Lazoryak Bogdan I., Rau Julietta V. // Antimicrobial properties of co-doped tricalcium phosphates Ca3-2(MˊMˊˊ) (PO4)2 (M = Zn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+ and Sr2+)  /  Ceramics International. — 2022. — Vol. 48. — P. 29770-29781 [DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Titkov Vladimir V., Fedyunin Fedor D., Spassky Dmitry A., Volkov Sergey N., Borovikova Elena Yu, Lazoryak Bogdan I., Aksenov Sergey M. // Ellestadite-type anionic [PO4]3- – [SO4]2- substitutions in b-Ca3(PO4)2 type compounds: A new route to design the inorganic phosphors  /  Ceramics International. — 2022. — Vol. 48. — P. 24012-24020 [DOI]  
  • Fadeeva Inna V., Deyneko Dina V., Barbaro Katia, Davydova Galina A., Sadovnikova Margarita A., Murzakhanov Fadis F., Fomin Alexander S., Yankova Viktoriya G., Antoniac Iulian V., Barinov Sergey M., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Rau Julietta V. // Influence of Synthesis Conditions on Gadolinium-Substituted Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramics and Its Physicochemical, Biological, and Antibacterial Properties  / Nanomaterials. — 2022. — Vol. 12. — P. 852 [DOI]  
  • Titkov V.V., Latipov E.V., Baryshnikova O.V., Lazoryak B.I., Fedyunin F.D., Spassky D.A., Dzhevakov P.B., Deyneko D.V. // Influence of anionic substitutions on the luminescent properties of Ca9.75Eu0.5(VO4)7 /  Journal of Solid State Chemistry. — 2022. — Vol. 308. — P. 122884 [ DOI ]  
  • Posokhova Svetlana M., Morozov Vladimir A., Deyneko Dina V., Nikiforov Ivan V., Redkin Boris S., Spassky Dmitry A., Belik Alexei A., Pavlova Erzhena T., Lazoryak Bogdan I. // K5Eu1–xTbx(MoO4)4 Phosphors for Solid-State Lighting Applications: Aperiodic Structures and the Tb 3+ → Eu 3+ Energy Transfer / Inorganic Chemistry. — 2022. — Vol. 61. — P. 7910-7921 [ DOI ]  
  • Xing D., Chang C., Xi X.Yu, Hao B., Zheng Q., Gutnikov S.I., Lazoryak B.I., Ma P.C. // Morphologies and mechanical properties of basalt fibre processed at elevated temperature / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. — 2022. — Vol. 582. — P. 121439 [ DOI ]  
  • Krutyak Nataliya, Spassky Dmitry, Deyneko Dina V., Antropov Andrey, Morozov Vladimir A., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Nagirnyi Vitali // NASICON-type Na3.6Lu1.8−x(PO4)3:xEu3+ phosphors: structure and luminescence / Dalton Transactions. — 2022. — Vol. 51. — P. 11840-11850 [ DOI 
  • Ze-Shi Guo, Xing Dan, Xi Xiong-Yu, Yue Xiu, Liang Cun-Guang, Hao Bin, Zheng Qingbin, Gutnikov Sergey I., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Ma Peng-Cheng // Production of Fibres from Lunar Soil: Feasibility, Applicability and Future Perspectives / Advanced Fiber Materials. — 2022. —  [ DOI ] 
  • Dikhtyar Yu Yu, Spassky D.A., Morozov V.A., Deyneko D.V., Belik A.A., Baryshnikova O.V., Nikiforov I.V., Lazoryak B.I. // Site occupancy, luminescence and dielectric properties of b-Ca3(PO4)2-type Ca8ZnLn(PO4)7 host materials / Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2022. — Vol. 908. — P. 164521 [ DOI ] 
  • Deyneko Dina V., Nikiforov Ivan V., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Aksenov Sergey // The role of anionic heterovalent [PO4]3– - [GeO4]4– substitution on the luminescent properties in inorganic phosphors with the b-Ca3(PO4)2 type structure: New data based on accurate crystal structure refinement / Dalton Transactions. — 2022. — Vol. 51. — P. 655–663 [ DOI ] 
  • Nikiforov Ivan V., Deyneko Dina V., Spassky Dmitry А., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Aksenov Sergey M. // Whitlockite-Type Structure as a Matrix for Optical Materials: Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Tm-Sm Co-Doped Phosphate Ca9Gd(PO4)7, a Single-Phase White Light Phosphors / Minerals. — 2022. — Vol. 12. [ DOI ] 
  • Rizzi Rosanna, Capitelli Francesco, Lazoryak Bogdan I., Morozov Vladimir A., Piccinelli Fabio, Altomare Angela // A Comprehensive Study of Ca9Tb(PO4)7 and Ca9Ho(PO4)7 Doped β-Tricalcium Phosphates: Ab initio Crystal Structure Solution, Rietveld Analysis, and Dielectric Properties / Crystal Growth and Design. — 2021. — Vol. 21. — P. 2263–2276 [ DOI
  • Dikhtyar Yury Yu, Deyneko Dina V., Spassky Dmitry A., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Stefanovich Sergey Yu // A novel high color purity blue-emitting Tm3+-doped β-Ca3(PO4)2-type phosphor for WLED application / Optik. — 2021. — Vol. 227. — P. 166027 [ DOI
  • Fadeeva Inna V., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Davidova Galina A., Murzakhanov Fadis F., Gabbasov Bulat F., Petrakova Natalya V., Fosca Marco, Barinov Sergey M., Vadalа Gianluca, Uskokoviс Vuk, Zheng Yufeng, Rau Julietta V. // Antibacterial and cell-friendly copper-substituted tricalcium phosphate ceramics for biomedical implant applications / Materials Science and Engineering C. — 2021. — Vol. 129. — P. 112410 [ DOI
  • Lazoryak Bogdan I., Deyneko Dina V. // Comment on “Tuning luminescence of Ca9La(PO4)7:Eu2+via artificially inducing potential luminescence centers” by P. Li, Z. Wang, et al., J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 14601 / Journal of Materials Chemistry С. — 2021. — Vol. 9. — P. 7778-7781 [ DOI
  • Morozov V.A., Deyneko D.V., Dzhevakov P.B., Leonidova O.N., Leonidov I.A., Baryshnikova O.V., Savilov S.V., Lazoryak B.I. // Concurrent Ca2+ and Pb2+ ions transport in Ca6.25Pb4.25(VO4)7 with the β-Ca3(PO4)2-type structure / Solid State Ionics. — 2021. — Vol. 359. — P. 115518 [ DOI
  • Gutnikov S.I., Popov S.S., Efremov V.A., Ma Peng-Cheng, Lazoryak B.I. // Correlation of the phase composition, structure and mechanical properties of natural basalt continuous fibers / Natural Resources Research. — 2021. — Vol. 30. — P. 1105–1119 [ DOI
  • Dikhtyar Yu Yu, Deyneko D.V., Boldirev K.V., Baryshnikova O.V., Belik А.А., Morozov V.А., Lazoryak B.I. // Crystal structure, dielectric and optical properties of β-Ca3(PO4)2-type phosphates Ca9-Zn La(PO4)7:Ho3+ / Journal of Luminescence. — 2021. — Vol. 236. — P. 118083 [ DOI
  • Morozov Vladimir A., Posokhova Svetlana M., Istomin Sergey Ya, Deyneko Dina V., Savina Aleksandra A., Redkin Boris S., Lyskov Nikolay V., Spassky Dmitry A., Belik Alexei A., Lazoryak Bogdan I. // KTb(MoO4)2 Green Phosphor with K+-Ion Conductivity: Derived from Different Synthesis Routes / Inorganic Chemistry. — 2021. — Vol. 60. — P. 9471-9483 [ DOI
  • Dikhtyar Yury Yu, Deyneko Dina V., Boldyrev Kirill N., Borovikova Elena Yu, Lipatiev Alexey S., Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Luminescent properties of Er3+ in centrosymmetric and acentric phosphates Ca8MEr(PO4)7 (M = Ca, Mg, Zn) and Ca9-Zn La(PO4)7:Er3+ // Materials Research Bulletin. — 2021. — Vol. 138. — P. 111244 [ DOI ]
  • Buzlukov Anton L., Baklanova Yana V., Arapova Irina Yu, Savina Aleksandra A., Morozov Vladimir A., Bardet Michel, Lazoryak Bogdan I., Khaikina Elena G., Denisova Tatiana A., Medvedeva Nadezhda I. // Na9In(MoO4)6: synthesis, crystal structure, and Na+ ion diffusion / Ionics. — 2021. — Vol. 27. — P. 4281–4293 [ DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Spassky Dmitry A., Morozov Vladimir A., Aksenov Sergey M., Kubrin Stanislav P., Molokeev Maxim S., Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Role of the Eu3+ Distribution on the Properties of b-Ca3(PO4)2 Phosphors: Structural, Luminescent, and 151Eu Mössbauer Spectroscopy Study of Ca9.5–1.5xMgEux(PO4)7 // Inorganic Chemistry. — 2021. — Vol. 60. — P. 3961-3971 [ DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Nikiforov Ivan V., Spassky Dmitry A., Berdonosov Peter S., Dzhevakov Pavel B., Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Sr8MSm1-хEuх(PO4)7 phosphors derived by different synthesis routes: solid state, sol-gel and hydrothermal, the comparison of properties // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2021. — Vol. 887. — P. 161340 [ DOI
  • Lipatov Yakov V., Gutnikov Sergey I., Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Zr-rich basalt continuous fibers with increased alkali resistant properties // Construction and Building Materials. — 2021. — Vol. 288. — P. 123089 [ DOI
  • Deyneko D.V., Titkov V.V., Aksenov S.M., Stefanovich S.Yu, Lazoryak B.I. // Centrosymmetric and acentric whitlockite-type phosphates and vanadates among Ca3(VO4)2-Ca3(PO4)2-Y2O3 compositions // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 921. — P. 012005-012005 [ DOI
  • Buzlukov Anton L., Arapova Irina Yu, Baklanova Yana V., Medvedeva Nadezhda I., Denisova Tatiana A., Savina Aleksandra A., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Khaikina Elena G., Michel Bardet // Coexistence of three types of sodium motion in double molybdate Na9Sc(MoO4)6: 23Na and 45Sc NMR data and ab initio calculations // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. — 2020. — Vol. 22. — P. 144-154 [ DOI
  • Belik Alexei A., Deyneko Dina V., Baryshnikova Oksana V., Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Sr9In(VO4)7 as a model ferroelectric in the structural family of b-Ca3(PO4)2-type phosphates and vanadates // RSC advances. — 2020. — Vol. 10. — P. 10867-10872 [ DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Aksenov Sergey M., Nikiforov Ivan, Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Lazoryak Bogdan Iosipovich // Symmetry inhomogeneity of Ca9–xZnxEu(PO4)7 phosphor determined by second-harmonic generation, dielectric and photoluminescence spectroscopy // Crystal Growth and Design. — 2020. — P. 6461–6468 [ DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Morozov Vladimir A., Vasin Andrey A., Aksenov Sergey M., Dikhtyar Yury Yu, Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Lazoryak Bogdan I. // The crystal site engineering and turning of cross-relaxation in green-emitting β-Ca3(PO4)2-related phosphors // Journal of Luminescence. — 2020. — Vol. 223. — P. 117196 [ DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Morozov Vladimir A., Zhukovskaya Evgeniya S., Nikiforov Ivan V., Spassky Dmitry A., Belik Alexei A., Lazoryak1 Bogdan I. // The influence of second coordination-sphere interactions on the luminescent properties of β-Ca3(PO4)2-related compounds // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2020. — Vol. 815. — P. 152352 [ DOI
  • Nikiforov Ivan V., Deyneko Dina V., Spassky Dmitry A., Baryshnikova Oksana V., Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Tunable luminescence and energy transfer in Eu3+ doped Ca8MTb(PO4)7 (M = Mg, Zn, Ca) phosphors // Materials Research Bulletin. — 2020. — Vol. 130. — P. 110925 [ DOI
  • Xing Dan, Chen Lin, Ma Qing, Hao Bin, Gutnikov Sergey I., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Mäder Edith, Ma Peng-Cheng // What happens to glass fiber under extreme chemical conditions? // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. — 2020. — Vol. 548. [ DOI
  • Барышникова О.В., Дейнеко Д.В., Потаенко М.А., Дихтяр Ю.Ю., Стефанович С.Ю., Морозов В.А., Лазоряк Б.И. // Сегнетоэлектрические фазовые переходы в Sr9Tm(VO4)7 при замещении стронция на кальций и свинец // Физика твердого тела. — 2020. — Том 62., № 5. — С. 762-765 [ DOI
  • Nikiforov I.V., Deyneko D.V., Spassky D.A., Lazoryak B.I. // (Ca,Mg)9Gd1 – xEux(PO4)7 Red Phosphors Activated with Gd3+ and Eu3+ // Inorganic Materials. — 2019. Vol. 55, № 8. — P. 810-814 [ DOI
  • Dorbakov N.G., Titkov V.V., Stefanovich S.Y., Baryshnikova O.V., Morozov V.A., Belik A.A., Lazoryak B.I. // Barium-induced effects on structure and properties of β-Ca3(PO4)2-type Ca9Bi(VO4)7 // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2019. — Vol. 793. — P. 54-64 [ DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Nikiforov Ivan V., Lazoryak Bogdan I., Spassky Dmitry A., Leonidov Ivan I., Stefanovich Sergey Y., Petrova Daria A., Aksenov Sergey M., Burns Peter C. // Ca8MgSm1-х(PO4)7:xEu3+, promising red phosphors for WLED application // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2019. — Vol. 776. — P. 897-903 [ DOI
  • Gutnikov Sergey I., Zhukovskaya Evgeniya S., Popov Sergey S., Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Correlation of the chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties of basalt continuous fibers // AIMS MATERIALS SCIENCE. — 2019. — Vol. 6., № 5. — P. 806-820 [ DOI
  • Zhukovskaya Evgeniya S., Deyneko Dina V., Baryshnikova Oksana V., Belik Alexei A., Leonidov Ivan I., Ishchenko Alexey V., Stefanovich Sergey Y., Morozov Vladimir A., Lazoryak Bogdan I. // Crystal structure, dielectric, and optical properties of β-calcium orthophosphates heavily doped with ytterbium / Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2019. — Vol. 787. — P. 1301-1309 [ DOI
  • Гутников С.И., Манылов М.С., Лазоряк Б.И. / Crystallization and Thermal Stability of the P-Doped Basaltic Glass Fibers // Minerals. — 2019. — Vol. 9, № 10. — P. 1-15 [ DOI
  • Gutnikov Sergey I., Lazoryak Bogdan I. / Effect of Nozzle Diameter on Basalt Continuous Fiber Properties // Fibers. — 2019. — Vol.7, № 65. — P. 1-11 [ DOI
  • Deyneko Dina V., Petrova Daria A., Aksenov Sergey M., Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Baryshnikova Oksana V., Fedotov Stanislav S., Burns Peter C., Kosmyna Miron B., Shekhovtsov Aleksey N., Lazoryak Bogdan I. / Ferroelectricity, ionic conductivity and structural paths for large cation migration in Ca10.5-xPbx(VO4)7 single crystals, x = 1.9, 3.5, 4.9 // CrystEngComm. — 2019. — Vol. 21, № 8. — P. 1309-1319 [ DOI
  • Morozov Vladimir A., Posokhova Svetlana M., Deyneko Dina V., Savina Aleksandra A., Morozov Anatolii V., Tyablikov Oleg A., Redkin Boris S., Spassky Dmitry A., Joke Hadermann, Lazoryak Bogdan I. / Influence of annealing conditions on the structure and luminescence properties of KGd1−xEu(MoO4)2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) // CrystEngComm. — 2019. — Vol. 21. — P. 6460-6471 [ DOI ]
  • Titkov Vladimir V., Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Deyneko Dina V., Dikhtyar Yury Yu, Aksenov Sergey M., Baryshnikova Oksana V., Belik Alexey A., Lazoryak Bogdan I. / Isovalent and aliovalent cation substitutions in the anion sublattice of whitlockite-type ferroelectrics Ca9RE(VO4)7 with RE =Y and Yb // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. — 2019. [ DOI ]
  • Deyneko Dina V., Nikiforov Ivan V., Spassky Dmitry A., Dikhtyar Yuri Yu, Aksenov Sergey M., Stefanovich Sergey Yu, Lazoryak Bogdan I. / Luminescence of Eu3+ as a probe for determination of the local site symmetry in the β-Ca3(PO4)2 related structures // CrystEngComm. — 2019. — Vol. 21. — P. 5235-5242 [ DOI ]
  • Никифоров И.В., Дейнеко Д.В., Спасский Д.А., Лазоряк Б.И. / Красные люминофоры (Ca, Mg)9Gd1–xEux(PO4)7, активированные Gd3+и Eu3+ // Неорганические материалы. — 2019. — Том 55, №8 — С. 859-864 [ DOI